
Select the PGN you want to edit. Go to the edit screen and indicate you want a daily budget of $200 for this PGN, for this ecosystem. In your default bid, you want to go to $150. You also want to drop the default bid down to $1.5 across your PGN.

Once you save, you’ll get notified that this has been applied, as shown by the messages on the screen.

Remember we had a budget at campaign level, of $100. Now if I refresh, you’ll notice that the budget is being increased to $200 and has been assigned as follows: 40%, 30%, 20%, and 10%. As for this (PGN Staggered Daily Budget) as I showed you in the previous video, this is how we staggered this budget.

As for your change on the bid that was initially $3 and default bid that was staggered down as I showed you in the previous video, if I refresh now after the change, you’ll notice it becomes 150, 113, 75 and 38; 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%.

Tarik Ozkan

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Published by
Tarik Ozkan