
In order for me to tell the system not to stop this keyword, I will have to edit this specific threshold. To do so, just double-click on the threshold you want to edit. In this case, I will double-click on the ACoS.

This keyword is a money keyword. It’s bringing me a lot more than anything else in this campaign, like 80-20. It looks like this keyword brings 80% of the volume within this campaign. To keep it running, I will maybe want to decide to keep this keyword, keep it at a notch and set it to allow for up to 25% ACoS of this specific keyword. Then, I will save the rule like this.

What we see happening right now is that every other keyword within this ad group stays the way it was except this one which is grayed out, which is the one I just customized. This customized keyword is now a 25% ACoS meaning that we wouldn’t pause our automation anymore. I will keep it running until ACoS will go at 25 hence allowing us to keep profiting from it.

Now let’s run another example. Let’s say that we wouldn’t stop this keyword that is within ACoS, assuming that this keyword includes our brand name. In my business, when bidding on my brand name, I want to be extremely aggressive because I don’t want other people to steal away the term or that keyword from me.

In order to edit the bid strategy and time we would have to apply on an automated basis on this keyword, I will have to pull out the rules. You can double-click the percentage or simply click the green icon.

And I will tell the system that for this specific keyword, since it is my branded keyword, I want to use a very aggressive bid increment. I’m bidding $10 more than the average, and that is costing me. So, to prevent any competitor from bidding aggressively for this keyword to steal it from me, I want to be aggressive from the start. And I will save this rule.

What you see happening is that now the second line has also changed. The second line is grayed out now because both keywords are customized. One is customized because I have a higher ACoS compared to everything else within this campaign and ad group, and the average is customized because I have a different bid increment compared to everything else in this ad group.

Now let’s scroll down a little bit more. Here, I have a keyword that has a broad, about $5,000 profit in this 7 days conversion window and has an ACoS of 30.35%. This “food brush” is a two-word keyword. Most likely, even though I am running this campaign for profit, this keyword is a volume keyword. I might not want to stop and pause it because it might be bringing in volume and somehow helping my ranking, keeping up my sales velocity.

So, in order to stop the system from stopping this keyword, I will go here, like I showed you before. I will put for instance, 32% (Target Min ACoS field) and I’m happy to go as high as 32% to keep this keyword running. I will save the rule. Again, we have another customization applied to this level.

Basically, we set up the rules at the top at the campaign level. The rules were automatically pushed everywhere within that campaign and then, we checked the data at the keyword level.

And, we decide to apply specific tweaked strategies at the keyword level in order for our campaign to keep reaching the goals that we have, which are basically making money without losing impressions nor affecting our bottom line or profitability. To do so, sometimes you need to variate by the 20% that we set at the top level because there are exceptions and I gave you two examples.

Let’s keep going on. Let’s say that for some reasons, our overall profitability for this product decreased. Let’s say the supplier increased the cost, or you have higher import taxes, or you lost a container, and you need to account for that within your profitability. What I would do at least will be to go back at the campaign level and tell the system that since my profitability moved for example from 35% to 30% and I still want to pocket a 15% profit out of this campaign, my ACoS threshold should be moved to 50% for everything here. And I will save.

Again, this is just an example. It might not make sense. It is just to show you the mechanics of the rules and how the customization behaves versus the default rules. I’m going to save this new rule for the ACoS that changed from 20 to 50%.

I’m going to go all the way down to the keyword level to show you what happened. Basically, you can see that everything that was not customized has changed to the new default that was changed at the top. Every keyword that was not grayed out has changed to 15% ACoS.

What does this mean for your business? Basically, we allow you with a choice of 6 thresholds at the push of a button to apply a very simple rule to all the campaigns. Also, we allow you to go in and dig into the data and customize the very simple rule that you set at the top in order to fit any strategy that you might have at keyword level.

Once the customization is set at the keyword level, the software takes the assumption that there must be a reason for you to customize it so, and will not touch it anymore.

This allows you to set rules and the custom threshold at the keyword level while still having the capability to go to the top at the campaign level to make a bulk edit on everything that was not customized. Hence, making your life much easier and being able to tweak this tool very easily to achieve your goals.

Now, in order to understand where the rule was set, what you can do to pull it up, where you should go to change the rule, where the default is, and where the customization is, you can check and pull up the rule screen and we will tell you over here that this specific custom rule is custom because it was applied at the keyword level.  So, in order to edit this rule, you will have to edit it at the keyword level.

For the non-custom keywords or non-customized keywords, if you were to open the rule of this one and check, the system tells you that it has been assigned at the campaign level.

Basically, this tells you that the only way you to change this threshold will be to act on the keyword itself. But in order to change this threshold, you can either customize it at keyword level or you can set a new threshold at the campaign level.

We tell you what the hierarchy level is of the rule that has been applied to this keyword.

Tarik Ozkan

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Published by
Tarik Ozkan