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Interactive On-Page Tutorials

We just published ON-PAGE guiding interactive tutorials. You can see the LEARN button on bottom right of your dashboard page. It is a bit complex thing to guide everyone on THEIR own data and as you may guess lots of different cases with even different features for Analyzer to Dominator. ESC key exits tutorial anytime. See steps of the tutorial from top left corner menu. It will get smarter,


Charts Are Live

Our long waited charts are live…We hope you will find them cool.Play with them for now and more on how to use better, later. See OPTIONS on page.Currently available for Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords, Targets and Products.More to come like PGN and search terms and placement report dashboards…


ASINs Dashboard

We have this new ASINs report from Amazon available live!There some kind of new metrics you are not used to here in columns.Hover over the table column headers to read tool-tips about them. You can click OPTIONS – COLUMNS DISPLAY to hide and show the columns you like. Your settings will be saved for this page on your computer.


Interactive Threshold Builder

We are deprecating our Excel based threshold builder and replacing it with the new interactive builder live now! Tell us about your product below and we will calculate recommended thresholds accordingly. As you type in your product data, see how the thresholds are changing in behind the popup. You can drag this interactive popup to see behind easier. Click “Apply” button to put our calculated thresholds in editor or


You can Show/Hide Columns in Dashboard Pages!

We know this is a long waited feature but now is the right time to introduce this because we will triple the amount of reports and metrics you see on your dashboard! So before introducing the new metrics on your dashboard, we pushed this new feature to all accounts now live that now you can SHOW/HIDE as many columns as you want in your dashboard! Your selections will be


Bidding Strategy

Campaign bidding strategy adjustment is added! To let Amazon adjust your bid after you, dynamically, click the cogs (gears) button under each of the campaign name and click on EDIT tab. See image below for the location of Amazon Bidding Strategy: What is Bidding Strategy? You can ask Amazon to modify your bid in each ad impression. There are 3 types of Bidding Strategy on Amazon: Dynamic Bids –


20% Bid Change Rate, Now Dynamic.

You Can Now Adjust Auto-Mate & Bid Gambler’s20% Change Rate PGN CREATION EDIT RULE CONFIGURATION AM 3.0 can now move toward the optimal bid with daily increments or decrements of 0% to 100% per day instead of fixed 20%.  Bid Gambler can now increase the bid periodically up to 100% more of the current bid, each time until the first click. Assign bid change rate at PGN creation Adjust


Placement Reports & Bid Modifiers

Campaign placement reports and edit option for placement bid modifiers are added! We started recording campaign placement report data for all of your campaigns starting today. To use this interface to analyze your performance reports for the campaign, click the newspaper button just beside each of the campaign name. See image below for the location of Amazon Placement Reports: Please note that bid and placement modifiers are not related


Names Length

You can now customize onscreen name’s length! Here you can set a global name length and it will be applied to all column names in all dashboards. Depending on what screen size you are working on, this might help in removing the three dots (…) you might see when the Campaigns, Ad Groups, Keywords and Search Terms names are too long. Have a feature request? Post Your Feature Request


About Zon.Tools

Zon.Tools is a full-scope enterprise automation and management solution for Amazon Sponsored Products.
It is the fastest, most advanced Amazon PPC Automation tool currently on the market.
It automates all Sponsored Products best practices and is flexible/granular enough to adapt to any PPC strategy or goal.

Ignite your Amazon Sponsored Products Ads!

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