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1.2.5 – Paginate

   Transcription: The last button is the Paginate button. By default, we show you 500 lines of data. However, if you choose to see less or more lines in a page, you can use the paginate button to specify how many rows or lines you want to see on a page. You enter the number, for instance 20, and hit go. Then, the system paginates to your requirement, which

Sync API

1.2.4 – Sync API

 Transcription:  The Sync API button. What does it do? Assuming that you made some changes in Amazon, such as Updated bids, Changed a name on some campaigns or ad group, Added keyword, Removed keyword, Paused, or Archived, any of those changes will reflect instantly on our dashboard. What you should do is to click Sync API. Straightway, we download an updated report from Amazon which takes pretty much a second for us to


1.2.3 – Reset

   Transcription:  The Reset Button here at the buttom will allow me to reset any filter or any custom filter that I have at the moment back to our default, which is the last six months. If I hit the reset button here, I will be able to see the default screen which is six months of data.

Filter Table

1.2.2 – Filter Table

   Transcription:  By default we’re always going to show you the last six months of data. Unfortunately, Amazon allows us to download only the last 60 days. So, if you just started working with us, we will be able to show you only the previous 60 days. From the time that you connect the API with us, we will continue saving in a lot of your data so

Search Text

1.2.1 – Search Text

   Transcription:  On top of the brush filter, I want to add another filter. Let’s say “food”. This is an instant filter. This filter applies on top of whatever filter we had here. Now, I single out all the keywords that have “brush” in them, as well as the keywords that have “food” in them and I can match and share the data.


1.2 Filtering

1.2.1 – Search Text 1.2.2 – Filter Table 1.2.3 – Reset 1.2.4 – Sync API 1.2.5 – Paginate 1.2.6 – Advanced Search 1.2.7 – CSV Download 1.2.8 – Enabled With Parent [State Filter]

Rule’s Parameters

1.1.8 – Rule’s Parameters

How does Zon.Tools work? Pick our Interactive Rule Flow Bot brain here: Auto-Mate 3.0: AM 3.0 works on all Targets (PAT and EAT) and Keywords (all matches). Every 6 hours adjusts your bid based on your ACoS goals (“Max ACoS“), clicks (“Min. Action Click“) and spend (“Max Spend“). The new bids are calculated based on: Clicks Sales Max ACoS Min Bid Max Bid AM 3.0 will wait for one of the 3 conditions before

Auto Mate

1.1.7 – Auto-Mate

 Transcription:  We added a new automation called Auto-Mate. Auto-Mate basically adjusts your bid on the fly based on your auto ACoS performances. So, if you’re bidding $1 and your ACoS is well below your threshold, we will raise your bid, assuming that a higher bid will generate more impression and traffic, and will move your auto campaign ACoS more towards your target. If we overspend, and your ACoS

Term Inator

1.1.6 – Term-Inator

 Transcription:  The last of the automations is the Term-Inator. The Term-Inator performs the exact opposite of the function carried out by the Keyword Miner. Term-iInator works only within our PGNs. Term-Inator constantly goes through your custom search term report  and identifies custom search terms that are either not converting at all or are converting but not doing so within your set thresholds. What we do is to add them as

Bid Nailer

1.1.5 – Bid Nailer

   Transcription: Once the first click is received, Bid Gambler automatically deactivates itself and Bid Nailer starts. Bid Nailer waits for a specific amount of clicks that you provided us. By default, our system waits for 10 clicks but it could be 5, 8, 10, 15, or 20, it doesn’t really matter. After Bit Gambler generates the first click, Bit Nailer waits for a fixed number of clicks


About Zon.Tools

Zon.Tools is a full-scope enterprise automation and management solution for Amazon Sponsored Products.
It is the fastest, most advanced Amazon PPC Automation tool currently on the market.
It automates all Sponsored Products best practices and is flexible/granular enough to adapt to any PPC strategy or goal.

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