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Separating Fact from Fiction: Knowing the Difference Between Zon.Tools and Cybersquatters

Imagine walking into your house, only to find another family sitting in your living room. Or trying to go to a store like a Target, finding a store with the same name and sign but packed with entirely different product. This is basically what cybersquatters do. Cybersquatting has been reaching new heights in recent years. Continue reading to find out how we protect ourselves and our customers from cybersquatting.

Smart Navigation

Smart Navigation is Back!

February 08 2019 We tweaked Smart Navigation. As some of you already know (Facebook Live Feb 07 2019), we have just completed tweaking our Smart Navigation feature to accommodate the changes made recently at the dashboard level, namely: Targets Dashboard (Live since Jan 2019) Targets Search Term Dashboard (Live since Jan 2019) Negative Targets Dashboard (New! for rollout soon) Negative Keywords Dashboard (New! for rollout soon) Campaign Negative Keywords Dashboard(New!

Amazon PPC A Beginner's Guide to Amazon FBA PPC Ads featured image

Amazon PPC Ads: A Beginner’s Guide to Amazon FBA Ads

A few years ago when I first started using Amazon PPC ads, I had little understanding about what I was doing, how the system worked, or how to maximize my returns. Sound familiar? I knew if I didn’t learn more about this process, I’d be losing out on sales and spending my hard-earned dollars ineffectively. I don’t want you to be in that situation. Hence, I’ve put together everything

Amazon PPC Automation

7 Reasons Your Business Needs Amazon PPC Automation Software

Is Amazon PPC automation the next big thing in marketing? Amazon seems to be everywhere these days. The company has bought out Whole Foods and has grown to become the second-largest retailer in the world.  As an FBA seller, you’re taking advantage of that. You’re building an empire of goods to sell on Amazon. To get that empire to grow, you need to advertise your products to get ahead

How to Structure your Sponsored Products Campaigns

3.6 How to Structure your Sponsored Products Campaigns

How to Structure your Sponsored Products Campaigns If we are talking about size variations (selling a pair of socks in different sizes but the same price), I would start with one PGN or EPBA set holding ALL KWs and ALL variations. After a while (30 to 60 days), simply pause the variations with the lowest CTR. Let’s now talk about variations that share some similar keywords BUT would also

Keywords Relevancy and how to choose them

3.4 Keywords Relevancy and how to choose them

Transcription: Good morning and welcome to another video of the Zon Tools Tips and Tricks Series. In this video I’d like to explain my view on how users should choose keywords, both for PPC, as well as keywords that you should first target in order to rank for. Something that I’ve seen a lot in the past 10 months working with you guys the users is a lot of

Amazon How to KILL IT with Sponsored Products featured image

3.5 Amazon Q4 How to KILL IT with Sponsored Products

If you sell on ? Amazon you must know reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ are a key component of your product success. Messenger Bots ? are a great tool that can help you organically grow the number of daily product reviews, improve your conversion rate and ultimately help you reach ? higher rankings. The strategy is simple: retarget your ? Amazon customers on Facebook and offer them a ?xx$ Gift Card Giveaway

A9 and PPC Impressions

3.3 A9 and PPC Impressions

Resources:A9 Pandora Document Transcription: Welcome to another video of the Zon Tools Tips and Tricks Series. In this video I’ll share insight of what I know about the Amazon A9 Algorithm. I’ll try to describe in details based on the documents my nephew shared regarding how A9 decides how and what to rank. I’ll explain why I think this may also affect the number of impressions you’re receiving. First

Keywords and Search Terms Collision

3.2 Keywords (and Search Terms) Collision

Transcription: In this video, I’m going to talk about search term collisions or keyword collisions and why you should avoid it. I’ll be using a screenshot provided by one of our users, of which I’ve deleted or covered all the important details about what he’s selling and what products he’s having in the ad groups and the keywords.   The important thing to understand is that as you see

Threshold Builder and how to use it

3.1 How to use the Threshold Builder

Resources:Threshold Builder Transcription: Hello, and welcome to the Zon Tools Tips and Tricks Series. In this video, I’m going to show you how to use the Threshold Builder that I compiled for you guys. We’ll go through how to use the data that you already have for campaigns and products that you’re already running on your own set-up and use the data to fill in what we need to


About Zon.Tools

Zon.Tools is a full-scope enterprise automation and management solution for Amazon Sponsored Products.
It is the fastest, most advanced Amazon PPC Automation tool currently on the market.
It automates all Sponsored Products best practices and is flexible/granular enough to adapt to any PPC strategy or goal.

Ignite your Amazon Sponsored Products Ads!

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